Proceedings from the letting of this extraordinary house go towards sanitation in developing countries. To read more see here.
I wonder if the people who rent the place will be called looters.
Random ramblings, with no specific intention to amuse, impress, disgust, annoy, inspire or bore anyone excepting me.
Somethings to do when you're feeling down. Not just low because of a bad day-- low on self esteem, low on energy, plain low on life. Its happened to all of us, to me enough times for me to statistically analyze it. Somethings I've found to work for me...
Follow as is advisable.
They're not in any specific order because different things work in different cases for different people. (and its surprising how often we forget that!)
1. Music is the soul of life:
Music, music, music. Very simple. Listen to it, play it if you're so inclined (insert disclaimer). This really helps take the blues away like nothing else can. To those masochists out there who love prolonging that feeling of agony and wallowing in it, there's absolutely nothing better than (1). Mood elevators, mood thickeners, mood diluents, mood suppressants... your playlists should supply it all.
1) APC+ Chains+ Opeth+ Tool+ Katatonia+ Ayreon+ Symphony X
2) Death Cab for Cutie+ Belle & Sebastian+ The Beatles+ Hootie & The Blowfish+ INXS + Aimee Mann+ Tori Amos+ Bob Dylan+ Orange Juice
usually works for me depending on my kind of low.
2. Retail Therapy!
Several people argue over the efficacy of this method and yet more others about the moral and spiritual ruin it will eventually lead us to but I am of the humble opinion that they can take their faces and bury it in our shopping bags. Retail therapy works like a CHARM for me and for several of my friends and acquaintances.
Here again, are two schools of thought--
1) buy expensive. Fewer items, but go for the high-end price tags. Clothes, perfume, shoes, bags, whatever makes you happy. I have a friend who buys a shirt for each really depressing day he has and he actually remembers the occasion whenever he wears that shirt.
2) quantity over quality! (this is my favourite personally.)
colorful, inexpensive, almost entirely useless products. These are a few of my favourite things :-)
a. pencils
b. pillows
c. scrunchies
d. lip balm
e. slippers
f. soap (I have this inexplicable fetish for different kinds of soap.)
3. Eat/Drink:
Other options include beer/hard liquor which I feel are downers so you shouldn't be resorting to those. Whatever works for you, of course.
5. Cook.
1) shampoo. Like a Mallu would say (in a considerably different accent) you haven't had a bath till you've washed your hair.
2) nice-smelling soap. (ref 2(2)f)
3) aromatherapy candles (if you don't think that's gay. or even if you do. *snicker*)
4) warm water. (this is a MUST)
But let's face it, boys and girls. It isn't chocolate without cocoa. It ISN'T. Don't try deceiving yourself or the multitudes.
10. Cry (incl. of scream, shout, wail, bawl, etc.)
a. The race is not always to the swift.
b. You can only join the dots looking backwards.
c. Everything happens for a Reason.
d. There is a God and life is fair.
e. You are a fool to still be reading this.
I wrote this awhile ago. And wanted to post after an age. It's been so long.
I think one of the most depressing things in the world is the dust dripping off a car in the rain. It forms layers and streaks across the car, forming strange patterns in the coat of dust, revealing patches of white that haven’t been seen in ages.
If it’s not enough that the owner didn’t care to clean his car, it worse that he chose to let the rain do its inefficient job for him. He should have atleast had the consideration to not take the car out in the rain.
It’s heart-breaking, really. To see half the layers gone. To see the dust all collected at the bottom of the fender or door. To see patches that were less fortunate than their neighbors. And to see people sitting inside their car listening to music when there’s dirt dripping off their side. I mean, how more icky can that get?
I love when a plump kid trips and falls. Not that I want it to get hurt or bruised or anything. I just love the way the fall sounds. And the way the stout little kid will sit up, completely bewildered. It’s even better when a concerned mother is around (preferably stout too). She’ll come running from wherever she was, and exclaim at the child. As far as I have observed, that exclamation frightens the child into tears more than the physical abrasions. Oh my god, she’s screaming at me for something, I must be hurt. Let’s scream before she starts yelling again, if only to shut her up. Scene ends in stout feller and stouter mother outdoing each other at screaming.
You Should Rule Mars |
Mars is a planet that shines brightly and loops wildly around the solar system. You are perfect to rule Mars, because you are both energetic and independent. Like Mars, you seems attractive and bright to others - but you're difficult to pin down. You are a great thinker, but you only think in the present and ignore the future. Full of enthusiasm and inspiration, you are into your own thing... and rather insensitive to others. |
Death is not everything. It's more cruel not to be able to die. |
This tearing loneliness inside…
This strange inconsistency between belonging and not belonging…
This mindless yet continual awareness of knowing you’re not doing what you want to do… but also consistently reminded that you do not know what you want to do…
Having to deal with people asking you every time about how you’re doing. Having to deal with people not asking you ever about how you’re doing.
Pushing a strand of hair behind your ear and resting your chin in your hand…. Staring vacantly into the sky or at someone… Wanting to rest that gaze on a face that understands.. feel the touch of a hand that knows what it’s like…
Waiting forever for the truth… waiting, for anything… for something different, something the same, anything…
A thousand years of this moment…