ENGINEER 2009 - The Annual Technical Festival of NITK Surathkal

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cars and Babies

I wrote this awhile ago. And wanted to post after an age. It's been so long.

I think one of the most depressing things in the world is the dust dripping off a car in the rain. It forms layers and streaks across the car, forming strange patterns in the coat of dust, revealing patches of white that haven’t been seen in ages.

If it’s not enough that the owner didn’t care to clean his car, it worse that he chose to let the rain do its inefficient job for him. He should have atleast had the consideration to not take the car out in the rain.

It’s heart-breaking, really. To see half the layers gone. To see the dust all collected at the bottom of the fender or door. To see patches that were less fortunate than their neighbors. And to see people sitting inside their car listening to music when there’s dirt dripping off their side. I mean, how more icky can that get?

I love when a plump kid trips and falls. Not that I want it to get hurt or bruised or anything. I just love the way the fall sounds. And the way the stout little kid will sit up, completely bewildered. It’s even better when a concerned mother is around (preferably stout too). She’ll come running from wherever she was, and exclaim at the child. As far as I have observed, that exclamation frightens the child into tears more than the physical abrasions. Oh my god, she’s screaming at me for something, I must be hurt. Let’s scream before she starts yelling again, if only to shut her up. Scene ends in stout feller and stouter mother outdoing each other at screaming.


Czar said...

Discontinuous and disjoint.

I loved the last line. :)

veni, vedi, dormivi... said...


discontinuous because my thoughts are generally such..

disjoint because.. well, the baby fell a month after it rained on the car.. :)

Kartik said...

Hyuck :-D Stout feller

veni, vedi, dormivi... said...

Kartik! Haven't seen you around in awhile. How be you, I say??

How be the married couple, too?

Sarthak said...

Sporadic outbursts of i-want-to-blog-NOW seem to have bettered your adeptness at blogging about such affairs.

veni, vedi, dormivi... said...

Hehe. Hello, Child.

I don't *generally* blog about such affairs. If they can be called affairs.

Anonymous said...

twisted ol woman

btw very funny...jus luvd it

keep bloggin:)

veni, vedi, dormivi... said...

@ tha

Thanks man!