ENGINEER 2009 - The Annual Technical Festival of NITK Surathkal

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

what, every arbit post has to have a title?


What a lame thing this title is. I mean, I'm here to bitch. And be philosophical. and you want me to title my bitchings? I mean, yeah, up yours.

Things i did today.
1. visited Patti (good thing)
2. stepped in dog shit. (bad thing.)
3. listened to drops of jupiter 11 times. (.. thing.)

I'm back to college in 3 days man. I can't believe this!! It hardly feels like I got here today morning. And I know you're saying, ah with a been there done that but GO AWAY! I don't care!

It's not fair them asking me to come back. I know I'm wanted back at college but surely the poor dipshits can do without my presence until maybe, ah, next semester?

That's how long a soul vacation I want.


mood: antagonized.


antickpix said...

What are your attendance requirements (well, i guess when in hostel doesn't matter).

I had ED end sem today, and did better than Math, Physics and Chem. Finished in 1 hr though. Gonna miss bunking it next sem

veni, vedi, dormivi... said...

75%. It's mandatory. I had problems my first semester itself, having to attend ridiculous classes no one else attended because my attendance was ah, borderline.

I doubt if this semester will be better... Though I intend to go to the class. I can always sleep there.

You did ED WELL? Traitor! Blood traitor!!

antickpix said...

actually, that was an indication of how badly i did my other subjects.

though, i did peek into other papers, and they were doing all scientific stuff..measuring and using instruments and what not.

me..full free hand sketching wonly